Experience the joys of sleep deprivation!

The most intense 3 full days of your life!

Tel Aviv, March 14th - 16th 2012

Qapp, xGelt, HandsOn, EventiFire, and VideoChef all strut their stuff.

World class experts to help, guide, and mentor you...

Receive expert feedback on final pitch-day from industry icons.

Amazing things can be accomplished in 3 days!

Believe it or not - fully functional prototypes are the status quo!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3DS Technion @ Haifa Launch!

So with a bit of delay - Technion is back on, with even bigger backing and support!

Directly imbedded with the EE Department this will even be an on-campus exclusive! (Quite a rare thing for Technion events!) Hop on over to the dedicated site: www.technion3ds.org